Update: CFM-68K Runtime Enabler final version now available for download!
Apple Computer has released version 4.0 of the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler extension. This extension fixes a problem with earlier versions of this extension which could result in application instability and loss of data. Because of the potential quality impact of this problem, Apple strongly recommends that customers with earlier versions of this extension upgrade to version 4.0.
To determine what version of the extension you have installed on your computer, perform the following steps:
1. Open your hard drive by double clicking it
2. Open your System Folder by double clicking it.
3. Open you Extensions Folder by double clicking it.
4. Select the " CFM-68K Runtime Enabler" file. Note that this file begins with a space.
5. Choose Get Info from the File menu.
6. The version number is listed next to the Version heading:
7. If the version number is less than 4.0, you should replace the extension with version 4.0, using the following directions.
8. Select the file ObjectSupportLib and Choose Get Info from the File menu.
9. If the version number of the file is less than 1.2, you need to replace it with the newer version.
10. Drag ObjectSupportLib and CFM-68K Runtime Enabler from your Extensions folder onto your Desktop. If you had previously removed the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler, then drag only ObjectSupportLib onto your Desktop. The ObjectSupportLib file must be out of your Extensions folder, but cannot be thrown away or replaced because it is in use. After you restart your computer, you can drag the ObjectSupportLib file from the Desktop to the Trash.
11. Locate the folder "CFM-68K 4.0 folder" and double-click it to open it.
12. Drag the two files " CFM-68K Runtime Enabler" (note this begins with a space), and "ObjectSupportLib" into the Extensions folder in your System Folder. Important: Dragging these files onto the System Folder itself may not route them to the correct location. Both need to be in the Extensions folder.
13. Restart your computer.
14. Verify that you have the correct versions installed by repeating steps 1 through 9.
15. Drag the older versions of the files from your desktop to the Trash.